Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Breath of Fresh Air and My Dilemma


I felt it was time to have a fresh start and restart this blog that felt like it was going no where and so instead of starting a whole new blog page like most do, I felt too attached to this one to start a new one...
I started this blog on a whim last time and it just seemed to be there for no reason, so now I want to start writing in it more for myself to let out what is on my unload. Everyone should unload their thoughts every once in a while right?! And there's been so much on my mind lately. Especially since I am in my twenties and trying to decide what to do with my life! What a terrible question. One that maybe I should stop trying to answer and just do what I think is right now. But in these times when everything seems uncertain (I guess I'm referring to our economy), it seems like the most important question to ask.
Especially since it's past due for me to choose a college or university to transfer to. I need to have chosen since a long time ago but I've been stuck between choosing a path towards design because I really enjoy to sew and create things and also between a path in the sciences.
I am not too sure about which area in science exactly, hopefully one that has to do with the environment though. I need to explore this area more! A path in some Science area seems to be more promising than one in design but right now it isn't what I love, only what I like and think is right. Maybe after more research I will have more information to make my decision but so far I haven't been able to find anything super useful.
How do people decide such a thing!?

1 comment:

Tang said...

I've deleted my blog posts in the past so much!!! It always feels good to start fresh.

In my experience, the only thing that helps in making the decision is trying everything out and feeling it out. When it feels wrong, that's when you know to move on. I tried going to university before I realized I had no idea what I was doing there and went back to design. :)