I've been searching for ideas on the inexpensive promotional items to include along with purchases and after seeing so many awesome custom pencils, for projects at school and then on various blogs, I was finally won over. I've always loved to write with oldschool pencils as opposed to mechanical ones and so I couldn't resist ordering them in different colors for myself. I found that they make great gifts as well for a friend or your fellow entrepreneur friend. I ordered some for my sister with here name saying "Vivian was here" and she loved them! I also ordered for some for my pops who's a carpenter with his business logo and is enjoying them as well I hope.
I ordered them from uniq-exp.com and love that the minimum order is only 10 and you can choose different colors for them. A giant plus is that they are usually shipped amazingly fast so if you're like me and want to start using them asap, it's highly likely you will be within days!