I recently found out about the wonders that podcasts have to offer... especially with those of the Coffee Break language series (I found them through Itunes). I think it would be amazing to learn another language, and my language of choice at the moment is French. So far I've made my way through three of the lessons but I'm pretty proud of the amount that has been able to stick! Maybe one day I'll actually meet someone who speaks the language (so far I've yet to meet one believe it or not), or better yet visit France.
Another podcast I'd like to share is for all those creative people out there. If you're like me and you learn about how to do just about everything from the internet, you'll like the podcasts from
ThreadBanger (which I also downloaded from Itunes). They had a bunch of interesting and fun tutorials on how to make things like clothes and rubber stamps and so much more! I'm hoping this will help me better my skills of making things as well as broaden my horizons. The ability to get tutorials on just about anything on the internet is amazing. I've grown so much of my sewing skills with the help of the internet and therefore have never had to take a sewing class before...I love it!
Learning French, and broadening my crafting horizons.
Those are two of the things on my list of goals at the moment. Of course along with trying to figure out what to do with my education...the never ending dilemma! What the hell am I going to do?
Lately I've been considering some more options. Let me just throw them out there.
either go on to design school to get a degree and better my skills so that I can design and make clothing, but not necessarily have to go to design school because I think that I can still do this by taking classes at a fabric shop..but the point here is to actually pursue a career in creating....
or to go to school and get a degree in environmental science...now I think that would be interesting! I'd love to learn more about the environment and how to take care of it, but the problem here is again like the design one, would it be a secure choice? ahhh the horror! ok let's forget about that for now. After doing this, I could go on and advance that degree or I was thinking about maybe going to try and become a Pharmacologist. I feel that this would be my most rational choice, but yet the one that may make me the most miserable...who knows, but do I want to take that chance...and a most likely chance at that. Or instead of going after pharmacology, after I get my degree I can try and start up or go to work with some kind of Green Business..that would be interesting and exciting as well. Or how about what my parents have joked around with, study culinary arts and open up a crepe joint (I make some pretty delicious crepes!). What I would love is that mixed in with a coffee shop that plays live music...how i love little restaurants and coffee shops that play live music!!! They're so perfect and filled with culture to me.
Well I know that's a lot to take in but that's all the jargon that's been in my head lately. I'm leaning right now on getting that environmental science degree. Probably because I feel that the most important thing right now in society is our environment and how it's going to be in say ten or twenty years from now...and to be honest I just feel like it's not going to be good. Things are changing so fast! I have such a sad outlook on that! Don't get me started! I've watched way too many documentaries, but truth is we have to be ready. Anyhow, that makes me not want to consider going after my love of sewing because of how it centers around materialism.
I'm going to just stop there because I know I am just going to run in circles with this....ahh the horror!